Royals on the Balcony

Royals on the Balcony

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Fit to Rule

I recently discovered an amazing documentary that recounts the humanity of the British royals. They tend to be viewed through a lens of leadership or as a good drama but this documentary dives in and looks at them as people with same physical and mental ailments that plague everyone.

The documentary is a three part series entitled Fit to Rule. It  recounts all the monarchs from the Tudors to Elizabeth II and addresses physical and mental issues that sometimes dominated their lives. It is also a great overviews of the monarchs who have ruled England.

The presenter is Lucy Worsley, the curator of Historic Royal Palaces. She's the best I've seen at making these documentaries about English history. When looking for a good documentary, I usually try to look for one where she is the presenter. I linked all the videos in this post. Enjoy!

Fit to Rule: Tudors to Stuarts, from Gods to Men

Fit to Rule: Tudors to Hanoverians, Bad Blood

Fit to Rule: Hanoverians to Windsors

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